Waste Management at Eldorado is handled by the Treasurer.
If you have any questions or want to exchange bin sizes, please email [email protected]
If you have any questions or want to exchange bin sizes, please email [email protected]
EEA ALL TRASH PICKUP - FRIDAYS (Yard waste pickup handled by Precision Outdoor Services).
Please have your carts at the curb each Friday before 7am. Make sure the bins are at least 2 to 3 feet part. Also make sure all garbage bins are removed from the curb by 10pm the eve of pickup.
Garbage must be able to fit in your cart with the lid closed. Any bags that do not fit into your trash cart will be considered overflow trash and charged accordingly. If overflow trash is regularly put out for collection, consider getting a larger trash cart or adding an additional cart.
Should a Holiday fall during the week, then EEA pickup will be on Saturday. See calendar below for pickup schedule.
The cost is included in the monthly association fee. For more detailed information, see the EEA Maintenance Guidelines, page 5.
BINS: - two sizes for waste and recycling: 32 gal or 64 gal bin, please email the Treasurer @ [email protected] if you would like to change your bin size.

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