The City has partnered with Better Futures to collect certain bulky reusable and recyclable items curbside with the goal of reducing the amount of waste going to landfills. Piloted in 2022, June will be the first month items are picked up citywide. The service will pick up items on your regular garbage day during the first full week of each month, and residents can now begin scheduling pickups for June citywide.
Who is eligible?
All residential City solid waste customers can take advantage of the program. There is no extra cost to schedule a pickup. The service is funded through the Bulky Item Management Fee on residential Utility Bills.
How to schedule a pick-up
Pick-up must be scheduled at least two days in advance of your garbage day. To schedule, call Better Futures at 612-353-5400 or visit
What can be picked up?
The City has partnered with Better Futures to collect certain bulky reusable and recyclable items curbside with the goal of reducing the amount of waste going to landfills. Piloted in 2022, June will be the first month items are picked up citywide. The service will pick up items on your regular garbage day during the first full week of each month, and residents can now begin scheduling pickups for June citywide.
Who is eligible?
All residential City solid waste customers can take advantage of the program. There is no extra cost to schedule a pickup. The service is funded through the Bulky Item Management Fee on residential Utility Bills.
How to schedule a pick-up
Pick-up must be scheduled at least two days in advance of your garbage day. To schedule, call Better Futures at 612-353-5400 or visit
What can be picked up?
- Must be in good, working condition: Furniture (free of stains/tears/pet hair), rugs, toilets/sinks, and certain building materials. These items will be reused.
- Any condition: Grills, bicycles, large appliances, and mattresses. These items will be reused or recycled depending on the condition.
*************************************************************************CURBSIDE CLEANUP
EGRESS WINDOWS If you have a home with an egress escape window, please see attached file from Bloomington .
EGRESS WINDOWS If you have a home with an egress escape window, please see attached file from Bloomington .

egress_window_law.pdf |
CITIZEN ALERT - Bloomington's Citizen Alert system allows you to sign up to receive time-sensitve emergency notifications directly to your home phone, cell phones via voice and text alerts, and emails.
When you create an account, you will be able to choose what phones, devices and emails should receive alerts. Once you enter your preferences for notifications you will receive timely emergency notifications when alerts are issued. Please go to the City of Bloomington page to sign up.
CITIZEN ALERT - Bloomington's Citizen Alert system allows you to sign up to receive time-sensitve emergency notifications directly to your home phone, cell phones via voice and text alerts, and emails.
When you create an account, you will be able to choose what phones, devices and emails should receive alerts. Once you enter your preferences for notifications you will receive timely emergency notifications when alerts are issued. Please go to the City of Bloomington page to sign up.
*************************************************************************BLOOMINGTON OUTDOOR FIRE RULES
FENCES: Bloomington Rules - Permit or No Permit????
FENCES: Bloomington Rules - Permit or No Permit????

fence_standards.pdf |